Free Health Resources to Help your Horses

Here at The Equine Institute, we believe in empowering horse people to help their horses. While none of the health tips here are meant to replace regular veterinary care, they will help increase your awareness of your horse's health and are useful in preventative health care.

YouTube Channel

The Equine Institute’s YouTube Channel provides access to a plethora of free resources. We have a large library of equine health videos and how-to’s on DIY bodywork. All videos and methods were created by our co-founder and equine veterinarian, Dr. Kelleyerin. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to get first access to our new videos!


More FREE resources:



Working with your horses acupressure points and in simple, therapeutic stretches and releases will deepen your relationship with your horse and help prevent crises from happening. Download and print the infographics for your barn!



imbalanced equine digestion process. right click and save to print this diagram!

imbalanced equine digestion process.

right click and save to print this diagram!

healthy equine digestion process.Right click and save to print this diagram!

healthy equine digestion process.

Right click and save to print this diagram!


When should you call a vet?

Any of the symptoms mentioned here should be responded to with an immediate call to a licensed equine veterinarian. Make sure you observe and describe symptoms accurately and follow-up any veterinarian advice immediately.

Print this infographic by right-clicking on this diagram. Then click save and print it out!


Cold Therapy for the Equine Athlete

Is cold hosing as effective as ice?

Short answer: NO!

We vigorously exercised this horse and took infrared images of all four legs. We simultaneously cold hosed two legs and iced two legs for 10 minutes, then took new infrared images immediately.

Take home message: If your vet recommends icing legs, or when trying to therapeutically cool and tighten tissues, ice is much more effective than cold hosing.

Cold hosing vs. ice wraps. Right click and save to print image.